I am passionate about many forms of media, however one of my top three would have to be music. I enjoy music so much because unlike watching T.V, not everything is straightforward, things can be left up for you to decide like the end of a Stanley Kubrick film. Music conveys a wide array of emotions that if expressed well through the artist really can change your mood to follow their music. Their is music for every type of situation and I don't believe that there is ever a time place music should not be played.
The Internet is probably my most used form of media. I don't think I could go longer than a day without it. It connects me to everything and everyone. I have made friends all around the globe, I can watch T.V shows form other countries or ones that do not air anymore. It keeps me updated on any kind of information I want. In an age where almost media is all turning digital, I think the Internet is a must have.
<------ This is my friendกฤษวัฒน์ คัมภีพันธ์ (Krit). He lives in Thailand.
Another form of media that has been a part of my life since infancy is television. Without a television on, I always feel like I am in the twilight zone, it just seems strange to me because I have spent so much time watching and having it on. Shows like The Simpsons, Dragon Ball Z, and King of the Hill have been embedded into my mind for the rest of my life. Although many people say T.V is bad for you, I think much of what's on it teaches you important lessons in life and is a great family entertainer.
"Let us all bask in television's warm glowing warming glow." - Homer Simpson
Although popular culture today is not something I person find interesting, I can understand why it is popular. Much of what I don't like about things like music and T.V today is simply because it isn't the stuff I grew up with. I tend to stay rooted in what I have learned from my childhood, and the music, movies and T.V from the now is different from what I remember as a child. Things like mainstream music today (Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga) and popular T.V shows (Jersey Shore, Glee) I j just can't seem to wrap my head around. I see it all over and everyone talking about it, but I just can't find the entertainment in it personally. So from a personal standpoint, I don't find much of the popular culture being released right now to be entertaining in the least. However, many other forms of new media I like, such as the advancements in technology in recent years. I like using social networking sites and Mp3 players. Media is ever growing and becoming more versatile, forever expanding into new forms.
T.V show - Detroit Metal City: One of the funniest and most outrageous shows I have ever watched. Although it's only 13 episodes long and only 15 minutes each, I could get endless enjoyment out of this show. The show follows a man named Souichi Negishi, a simple farm boy from Oita, Japan who moves to Tokyo to further his education and his music career. Soichi loves Swedish pop music, and hopes to one day play his lovely music for a living. However, Soichi has an alter ego named Johannes Krauser II, lead guitarist and singer of infamous death metal band Detroit Metal City. The show follows Soichi through his completely separate lives, and his desperate and unsuccessful attempts at love, fame, and happiness. The show never gets old to me, I could watch it again and never tire, it's comedy is as black as it's metal.
Video Game: Hong Kong 97': No, not the movie. The Super Famicom (Japanese SNES) only game of the same name. Hong Kong 97' is probably the wackiest game I have ever played, and one of the hardest. You are Chin (potrayed by Jackie Chan), Bruce Lee's cousin, and you must destroy all 1.2 billion people of China. However Chairman Mao has created the ultimate weapon, undead Tong Shau Ping warriors. The game takes a funny and offensive spin on the transfer of sovereignty in Hong Kong. The game has about unlimited playability and a hilarious repetitive soundtrack that never gets old. It is also probably the only SNES game ever to feature a picture of a real dead person!
Film: Tokyo!: Tokyo! is well, about Tokyo. It consists of three 40 minute stories, "Interior Design" "Merde" and "Shaking Tokyo." Each film is separately directed by a non-Japanese film director. The film takes a look at big city life in Tokyo, with thing getting a little weird and crazy in each one. There's women turning into furniture, sewer dwelling, a bomb throwing, flower eating white man, and a giant earthquake. What more could you really want from a film? Tokyo! captured me instantly, you can watch it and laugh, and you can take a deeper look at it and see all the symbolism and creativeness put into each film. Click here to check out Tokyo!'s trailer.